A Domain name is essence of your company's online identity on the Internet. It is your Website address. It is also very well know as Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Deciding a domain name is one of the most important decisions .A domain name needs to represent your company’s values, its identity & the product or services that you offer in market place. It’s also important for your business correspondences and emails. Starting a website and registering a domain name are easy, cost-effective processes which can make a huge difference to your business. Located in Mumbai, Galaxy Webworld Hosting, as a premier hosting solutions company, provides reliable and powerful choices of domain names, domain registration. After you have made your decision you have to check whether that particular domain name is available for registration.
1. A domain name adds professional authenticity and respectability, because it is not associated with any other companies.
2. you can use your domain name in your email addresses.
3. Have many specific email addresses relating to several departments, which gives a sense of a large and professional company.
4. Email is an excellent way of dealing with queries and requests from your customers.
5. Search engine listings.
Domain names are so cheap nowadays that there's no excuse for not having one. Here are some points to help you choose a good one:
1. Size matter: In the case of domain names the smaller the better.
2. Easy to remember: Try to get a name that's easy to remember and sounds good.
3. Relate to business: If you use keywords which are related to your business industry you will help your search engine rankings.
4. .com is the best : you should always go for .com extension for your business.